Bitget Swap User Guide
A quick guide on using Bitget Swap to trade better with promising assets and explore unlimited opportunities on the blockchain!
Access Bitget Swap via website
At the Bitget homepage, head to ‘Trade’, then choose ‘Bitget Swap ’.
What features does the upgraded Bitget Swap have?
1. Wallet Management, markets, and Swap are now seamlessly integrated on the same interface.
It leverages the same Bitget account and incorporates all Web3 features within the Bitget app.
2. Wallet: The platform creates a wallet by default, eliminating the need for individual private key management.
Assets: Default wallet assets and exchange assets are mutually independent, allowing for two-way passwordless transfers.
Multi-chain management: Effortlessly switch between multiple chains to effectively manage wallet assets and tokens.
Supported chains: Ethereum, BNB Chain, Tron, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, zkSync, Fantom, OKTC, Heco, and Klaytn.
3. Markets: Easily categorize and select on-chain tokens.
4. Swap: View candlestick charts and detailed information on tokens, and place quick swap or limit orders.
Quick swap: Select the coin you wish to buy or sell and convert instantly.
Limit orders: Set preferred prices and duration to place orders.
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