Product updates
Bitget to distribute profits from BGBTC VIP promotion
2025-02-01 06:040142
Bitget Earn will distribute profits from the BGBTC VIP promotion on February 11, 2025.
VIP users who subscribed to BGBTC during the promotion will receive an additional 3% APR, distributed as SOLV token airdrops. Each user was required to hold at least 0.01 BTC, with an individual cap of 1 BTC.
Promotion period: January 17, 2025, 3:00 PM (UTC+8) – February 6, 2025, 3:00 PM (UTC+8)
Promotion duration: 20 days
Eligibility and conditions:
- Holding duration: The staked BGBTC cannot be redeemed during the promotion period. Any early redemption will disqualify the user.
- Holding amount: Users must maintain at least 0.01 BTC staked every calendar day until the promotion ends.
- Early redemption: Users who redeem early, causing their BGBTC holdings to fall below the required amount, will lose eligibility.
- Holding rule: Bitget will take random snapshots of the total BGBTC holdings in users' Earn accounts. VIP holdings before the promotion starts, and any amount exceeding the individual cap, will not be counted for this promotion.
Learn more in our promotion announcement from January 17
Stake now and earn—maximize your profits from a single investment!
Thank you for your continued trust and support! We'll launch more VIP promotions soon, and we hope BGBTC helps boost both your profits and potential in your investment journey!