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- BitgetA Year of Knowledge and Engagement: #Blockchain4Youth Celebrates Its First Anniversary Key Highlights: Launched with a commitment to educate and empower the next generation, Blockchain4Youth has been a cornerstone of Bitget’s CSR strategy, driving Web 3.0 adoption among the youth. In our first year, we've engaged over 6,000 participants and partnered with top universities worldwide, delivering more than 50 campus lectures and issuing over 2,000 certificates. Our collaborations with industry leaders and academic institutions underscore our ongoing commitment to advancing b2024-05-06
- BitgetBitget Transparency Report: Q2 2024 TLDR; Bitget partnered up with three Turkish national athletes under the #MakeItCount campaign Bitget saw nearly 50% increase in website traffic in Q2 Bitget's 6-month inflow of BTC, USDT, and ETH reached 73%, 80%, and 153% respectively In early Q2 Bitget launched two new initial token listing products PoolX and Pre-market, which launched 65 and 35 projects respectively in total. Bitget Wallet Token (BWB) debuted with over a 600% surge Bitget continued its support of the TON blockchain w2024-07-10
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