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MetaCene (MAK): Unlocking Real Value in Virtual Worlds

MetaCene (MAK): Unlocking Real Value in Virtual Worlds

2024-09-20 | 5m

What is MetaCene (MAK)?

MetaCene (MAK) is a play-to-earn game that offers an innovative economic ecosystem where players can earn cryptocurrency and NFTs through various in-game activities. MetaCene provides players with a rich, immersive gaming experience set in a futuristic world where players can participate in a variety of activities such as exploration, combat, and trading. Players can also acquire in-game assets, which can be used or traded for real-world value. The game's economy is built around NFTs and two main tokens: MUD and MAK.

Who Created MetaCene (MAK)?

MetaCene was developed by a team of experts in both gaming and blockchain technology. The creators of the game are experienced in the gaming industry, with a deep understanding of how to design engaging gameplay while integrating it with DeFi elements. By bringing together the best of both worlds, MetaCene’s creators aim to create an ecosystem where gaming and earning opportunities coexist seamlessly.

What VCs Back MetaCene (MAK)?

MetaCene has attracted significant investment and backing from some of the most notable venture capital firms in the blockchain and gaming industries. These VCs have recognized MetaCene’s potential to become a leading force in the P2E space. The project is supported by a number of high-profile firms, including Animoca Brands, Folius Ventures, SevenX Ventures, MANTLE, Spartan, HashGlobal, and more. With this strong financial backing, MetaCene has the resources and support to grow its platform, continually develop new features, and expand its user base.

How MetaCene (MAK) Works

MetaCene is built around three major elements: its gameplay, its NFT economy, and its token system. Together, these components create a unique ecosystem where players can fully immerse themselves in the game while also benefiting financially through various earning opportunities.

Gameplay in MetaCene

MetaCene is set in a futuristic world where players embark on epic journeys filled with exploration, battles, and quests. Players create their characters and can explore vast virtual environments, engage in combat, and interact with other players in a fully immersive, player-driven world. Throughout the game, players can gather resources, fight enemies, complete missions, and acquire valuable in-game items.

One of the core features of the gameplay is the ability to engage in PVE (Player vs. Environment) and PVP (Player vs. Player) battles. In PVE, players battle against the game’s artificial intelligence, taking on monsters, completing missions, and unlocking new challenges. In PVP, players can challenge each other in battle to test their skills and win valuable rewards. Both PVE and PVP experiences provide an exciting and dynamic way for players to engage with the game while earning rewards.

NFT Economy in MetaCene

MetaCene is also powered by an extensive NFT economy. In MetaCene, many in-game assets, including characters, weapons, equipment, and land, are represented as NFTs.

Characters: Players can create, develop, and customize their characters in MetaCene. These characters can be traded or sold as NFTs, giving them real-world value.

Weapons and Equipment: Players can acquire special weapons and equipment through gameplay, which are also NFTs. These items can be upgraded or traded with other players.

Land: One of the standout features of MetaCene’s economy is the ability to purchase land. Land ownership comes with certain benefits in the game, such as building structures, gathering resources, or even renting out land to other players.

All these NFTs can be bought, sold, or traded in the MetaCene marketplace, where players can use the game's tokens to exchange items.

MetaCene’s Token System: MUD and MAK

MetaCene has designed a dual-token economy to support its in-game financial ecosystem. The two main tokens in MetaCene are MUD and MAK, each with distinct roles and functions.

MUD – The In-Game Utility Token

MUD is MetaCene’s utility token, with no fixed supply. Also referred to as the “Silver Coin,” MUD is used as the settlement currency within the game. Players earn MUD through various activities, such as in-game events, trading, or server airdrops. Once earned, MUD can be spent on numerous things in the game, such as:

Purchasing Equipment: Players can use MUD to buy new weapons, armor, and other gear from the in-game shop.

P2P Trading: Players can trade items directly with one another using MUD.

NFT Marketplace: MUD can be used to settle transactions in MetaCene’s NFT marketplace, where players can buy or sell NFT assets such as characters, land, and equipment.

Teleportation and Resurrection: MUD is also used for essential in-game utilities, such as teleporting across the map or resurrecting a character after death.

MAK – The Governance Token

MAK is the governance token of MetaCene. Unlike MUD, which is used for everyday transactions, MAK plays a crucial role in higher-level game functions and governance within the MetaCene ecosystem.

The primary use cases for MAK include:

Staking: Players can stake MAK to earn rewards and unlock special in-game privileges such as VIP access and early access to new content.

DAO Governance: MAK holders can participate in the game’s decentralized governance system, where they can vote on important decisions regarding the game’s future direction, development, and updates.

Purchasing Land and Advanced NFTs: Players need MAK to purchase valuable land and premium in-game NFTs such as rare skins and exclusive content.

PVP Competitions: Players can use MAK to enter PVP battles, tournaments, and other competitive events.

Exclusive Content: By using MAK, players can access high-level in-game content like premium dungeons and special in-game events.

The game also uses buyback mechanisms to stabilize the value of MAK. MetaCene plans to allocate 30% of its revenue to buy back MAK tokens. Revenue streams such as transaction fees from the NFT marketplace, DEX fees, and taxes on in-game transactions will help fund these buybacks. This strategy is designed to ensure the long-term health and stability of the MAK token's value.

Earning in MetaCene

One of the key draws of MetaCene is the potential to earn real-world value through gameplay. Players can earn MUD and MAK by participating in in-game activities, completing missions, winning PVP battles, and trading NFTs. Advanced players can focus on acquiring high-level NFT assets that can be sold or traded for MAK. Since MAK has a limited supply and is used for high-demand activities like land ownership and staking, the demand for MAK is expected to grow, making it a valuable asset in the MetaCene economy.

MAK Goes Live on Bitget

If you're looking to invest in a promising token within the blockchain gaming space, consider trading MAK, the native governance token of MetaCene, on Bitget. With its fixed supply and key role in MetaCene’s decentralized governance system, MAK offers unique opportunities for both staking rewards and decision-making power in the game’s ecosystem. As MetaCene continues to expand, MAK’s utility in premium in-game assets, land purchases, and competitive events positions it as a valuable asset for players and investors alike.

Start trading MAK on Bitget today to be part of MetaCene's growing economy.

How to Trade MAK on Bitget

Step 1: Go to MAKUSDT spot trading page

Step 2: Enter the amount and the type of order, then click Buy/Sell.

Trade MAK on Bitget now!

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are for informational purposes only. This article does not constitute an endorsement of any of the products and services discussed or investment, financial, or trading advice. Qualified professionals should be consulted prior to making financial decisions.
