Pavel Durov said , what messenger Telegram became profitable for the first time, and the total income exceeded $1 billion. According to him, by the end of the year, the company's accounts contained more than $500 million, excluding the TON cryptocurrency.
He added that the number of subscribers Telegram Premium exceeded 12 million, and the profit from advertising campaigns increased several times. The entrepreneur noted that over the past four years, more than $2 billion in debt was issued and most of it has already been repaid.
Pavel Durov noted a number of innovations in the past year, including mini-apps, a partner platform, as well as stars, gifts and giveaways. In his opinion, all this indicates that social media platforms can achieve financial sustainability and at the same time remain independent in order to respect the rights of their customers.
Let us recall that at the moment Pavel Durov is still in Paris and cannot leave France, as he is a defendant in a case initiated by the country's authorities against him and the Telegram messenger for violating French law.