Announcement center

Bitget Partners with Jesse the Most Advanced Crypto Trading Bot

Dear global Bitgetters:

We are glad to announce our partnersip with Jesse, the most advanced, privacy-first, self-hosted, open-source, crypto trading bot on the Internet.
Bitget's fast API is perfect for running your algo strategies and Jesse's simple interface makes it easy to get started.
Jesse is used by profetional retail traders and hedege funds. A single license of Jesse normally costs $1600, but as a result of this partnership, Bitget users can use Jesse for FREE!
The most popular algo trading channel on Youtube, PartTimeLarry recently made a [tutorial]( Jesse: Python Trading Framework for Crypto - YouTube ) about Jesse.
## How to get started
To get started with Jesse, check out their:

Bitget Team

November 14, 2022

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