
How to post P2P trading advertisements on Bitget website

2023-08-31 06:230683
  1. Log in to your Bitget account.
  2. Go to the P2P trading page.

P2P trading page

  1. Click on the [Post an Ad] button on the top right of your screen.
Post an Ad
  1. Select the ad type ( buy or sell), the crypto asset, and the fiat currency.

Buy or sell

  1. Set the ad type, price, and other details. You can choose either [Floating] pricing or [Fixed] pricing.

Price type

  1. Set the tota l trading amount, order limit and add payment methods.

Set Ad

  • Please note that buyers must complete payment within the payment time limit you set. Otherwise, the order will be canceled.

Payment deadline

  1. You can add the following information for your ad:
  • Counterparty trading requirements: users who do not meet the conditions will not be able to place an order.

Counterparty trading requirements

  • Rem arks: the remarks will be automatically sent to the user in the live-chat after the user places an order


After filling in the remarks, click [Post].
Post Ad
  1. Then, your ad will be posted. You can see the status of your ad under the [My ads] tab.

My ads

  1. When the ad is published, you can edit, delist, or share it. Please note that you will not be able to online an ad once you delist it.
For more information, please refer to:

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