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[Bitget Swap] DYB (DYB), Long (LONG), Cyb3rgam3r420 (GAMER), HairyPlotterFTX (FTX) and Bitcoin BSC (BTCBSC) are now available via Bitget Swap!

2023-10-10 09:0003035

We are pleased to announce DYB (DYB), Long (LONG), Cyb3rgam3r420 (GAMER), HairyPlotterFTX (FTX) and Bitcoin BSC (BTCBSC) are now available via Bitget Swap, our decentralized trading product!

Bitget Swap Trading Link: DYB (DYB) ; Long (LONG) ; Cyb3rgam3r420 (GAMER) ; HairyPlotterFTX (FTX) ; Bitcoin BSC (BTCBSC)

How to use Bitget Swap: Bitget Swap Guide

Project Introduction

DYB is a new token on BNB Smart Chain.

Contract Address (BEP-20) : 0x65bfbf39034E281013fB1774A662AbACEd0b9023

Project Introduction

Long is a new meme token on BNB Smart Chain.

Contract Address (BEP-20) : 0xfC8774321Ee4586aF183bAca95A8793530056353

Website | Telegram

Project Introduction

Gamer is a new meme token on Ethereum.

Contract Address (ERC-20) : 0xF89674f18309A2E97843c6e9B19C07c22cAEF6d5

Website | Twitter | Telegram

Project Introduction

HairyPlotterFTX is a new meme token on Ethereum.

Contract Address (ERC-20) : 0xB1a822cE8c799B0777Ed1F260113819247e1Bf26

Website | Twitter | Telegram

Project Introduction

Bitcoin BSC is the eco-conscious BEP-20 adaptation of Bitcoin, residing on the BNB Smart Chain. Designed to emulate Bitcoin's early days in 2011.

Contract Address (BEP-20) : 0x291BE4B6eA733148ad1D2489dd59dA28F92b710E

Website | Twitter | Telegram

Risk warning:

  1. Bitget Swap is a decentralized trading product of Bitget which makes popular on-chain assets available automatically on a regular basis. An asset's availability via Bitget Swap does not necessarily mean it's listed on Bitget platform. Users are advised to invest responsibly and be cautious of risks!

  2. The DYB contract is subject to the following risk:

    • The token is subject to a 6% buy and sell tax rate

  3. Token Security Detection for DYB :

  4. The LONG contract is subject to the following risks:

    • Trading may be suspended

    • Limited number of transactions for anti whale

    • Anti whale is modifiable

    • Transaction tax can be changed

    • Potential whitelist

    • The token is subject to a 2% buy and sell tax rate

  1. Token Security Detection for LONG :

  2. The GAMER contract is subject to the following risks:

    • Trading cooldown function

    • Limited number of transactions for anti whale

    • Transaction tax can be changed

    • Potential whitelist

  1. Token Security Detection for GAMER :

  2. The FTX contract is subject to the following risk:

    • Limited number of transactions for anti whale

  3. Token Security Detection for FTX :

  4. The BTCBSC contract is not subject to any risk.

  5. Token Security Detection for BTCBSC :

Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite their high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to conduct their own research and invest at their own discretion.

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