Maintenance or system updates

Bitget announcement on wallet address upgrade

2024-01-15 02:0001513

To enhance the security of users' assets, Bitget will upgrade all users' wallet addresses to MPC addresses on January 17, 6:00 AM (UTC). This change is in line with the development of wallet technology and will further safeguard the security of your funds. Note that this upgrade will result in changes to users' deposit addresses, so make sure to pay attention to the following important information:

1. New address: After the upgrade, new MPC addresses will be generated for wallets. These will become the new deposit addresses.

2. Old address: Original deposit addresses will be retained for three months. During this period, funds will still be credited to the account through the old address.

Thank you for your understanding. We are committed to providing safer and more convenient services. Contact customer service at any time if you have any questions. Thank you for your support and patronage!

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