How to place the P2P portal on the home page of Bitget APP?
2024-03-11 06:2102671
Since the Bitget APP has been revised, users now need to manually set the P2P portal to the APP homepage in order to use the P2P service more quickly. The following are the detailed steps:
1. Log in to your Bitget account at Bitget APP and go to
[More] .

2. Click
[Edit] button.

3. Click
[-] to remove any icon,and click
[+] which next to
[P2P] to add the P2P icon.

4. Drag the P2P icon to the first position and click

5. Now you can see the P2P portal on the home page of Bitget APP.

6. You can also click [Add funds] to access [
P2P trading].
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