How to Register a Bitget Account? - Mobile App Guide
[Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins]
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to register a Bitget account using the mobile app. Follow these instructions to create your account and start trading cryptocurrencies with ease.
How to Register a Bitget Account Using the Bitget Mobile App?
Step 1: Download and open the Bitget app
1.Visit Bitget's official download page.
2. Select the iOS App or Android App, or scan the QR code to download.
3. Open the app once the installation is complete.
Step 2: Access the Registration Page
Launch the app and tap on the Get Started button on the welcome screen and tap on Sign Up.
Step 3: Fill in Your Registration Details
1. Choose your preferred method to sign up:
Email: Enter a valid email address.
Mobile: Enter your mobile number.
2. Set a strong password that meets these requirements:
8 to 32 characters in length.
Includes at least one number.
Includes at least one uppercase letter.
Contains at least one special character (accepted characters: ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]|;:,<>.?/).
3. Enter a referral code (optional).
4. Read and agree to the User Agreement and Privacy Policy, then tap Sign Up to proceed.
Step 4: Solve the Captcha Puzzle
Complete the captcha verification to confirm you’re not a robot.
Step 5: Verify Your Email or Mobile Number
1. You’ll receive a 6-digit verification code via email or SMS.
2. Enter the code into the designated field within the app.
3. Tap Submit to finalize your registration.
Step 6: Log In to Your Account
1. Once your account is registered, return to the app’s login screen.
2. Tap on Get Started and select Log In.
3. Enter your registered email/phone and password, then tap Log In to access your account.
Step 7: Set Up Additional Security (Highly Recommended)
1. Tap the menu icon located in the top-left corner of the app’s home screen.
2. Go to your profile settings by selecting your profile at the top of the menu.
3. Select the Security tab to open the security settings.
4. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to enhance the security of your account.
Tips for a Smooth Registration
1. Use a unique and strong password to keep your account secure.
2. Make sure your email or phone number is active and accessible to receive verification codes.
3. If you have a referral code, save it for future reference.
1. Is registration on Bitget free?
Yes, creating a Bitget account is completely free.
2. What documents are required for registration?
No documents are needed for basic registration. However, you may need to complete identity verification (KYC) to access higher withdrawal limits and certain features.
3. Can I register using both email and phone?
No, you must select either email or phone during registration. However, you can link both to your account later for added security.
4. Why didn’t I receive the verification code?
Check your spam or junk folder for the email.
Ensure the phone number or email address you entered is correct.
If the issue persists, try resending the code or contact Bitget Support.
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