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Bitget VIP welcome gift announcement

2024-08-01 10:0094453

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Bitget is excited to upgrade our VIP welcome gifts, offering more flexible and personalized services along with exclusive benefits for our users.
VIP upgrade welcome gift details
VIP level
Trading volume upgrade
Asset holdings upgrade
180 USDT gift
40 USDT gift
350 USDT gift
$50 worth of Bitget merch
70 USDT gift
$50 worth of Bitget merch
700 USDT gift
$100 worth of Bitget merch
150 USDT gift
$100 worth of Bitget merch
1100 USDT gift
$200 worth of Bitget merch
300 USDT gift
$200 worth of Bitget merch
1600 USDT gift
$200 worth of Bitget merch
500 USDT gift
$200 worth of Bitget merch
1800 USDT gift
$300 worth of Bitget merch
2700 USDT gift
$300 worth of Bitget merch
  • The promotion is effective from August 1, 2024. Users who either become a VIP for the first time or have upgraded their VIP level after this date will receive the VIP upgrade gift.
  • Please note that you can only apply for the VIP upgrade gift once a month, based on your highest VIP level within the month.
  • The VIP welcome gift can only be claimed within one month of achieving VIP status for the first time.
  • The standard for distributing VIP upgrade gifts for asset VIPs will be determined based on whether the user's 30-day average daily asset balance meets the required threshold.
  • Users reaching VIP 2 and above need to contact their Relationship Managers to receive the gifts.
  • VIP upgrade gifts can be claimed only once per level.
  • Users will receive the gifts only the first time they reach a particular level. If they are downgraded to a lower level and then return to the original level, they will not receive the gifts again.
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions.