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[Jan 15,2025] Bitget to adjust the calculation of USDC-M perpetual futures index price from USD to USDC

Key adjustments

  • Index price and mark price: The index price and mark price of USDC-M perpetual futures will now be denominated in USDC.
  • Order book prices: Order book prices for USDC-M perpetual futures will also be denominated in USDC.

For more details, please refer to:

[Dec 24,2024] The rate limit change on Convert endpoint

/api/v2/convert/trade, The rate limit is changed from 10 req/sec/UID to 5 req/sec/UID

[Dec 16,2024] Get Spot TransferRecords endpoint adjust parameters

Endpoints: Get Account Transfer Records Change: The "idLessThan" parameter for the spot account transfer record interface has been deprecated, and a new "pageNum" parameter has been added.

[Nov 22,2024] Websocket connection limit update

Connection instructions:
Connection limit: 300 connection requests/IP/5min, Max 100 connections/IP
Subscription limit: 240 subscription requests/Hour/connection, Max 1000 channel subscription/connection

If there’s a network problem, the system will automatically disconnect the connection.

To keep the connection stable:

  1. Websocket will be forcibly disconnected every 24 hours, please add the reconnection mechanism in your code
  2. Users set a 30 seconds timer to a send string "ping", and expect a string "pong" as response. If no string "pong" received, please reconnect
  3. Websocket server will disconnect the connection if there is no string "ping" received for 2 min
  4. The Websocket server accepts up to 10 messages per second. The message includes:
  • String "ping"
  • JSON message, such as subscribe, unsubscribe.
  1. If the user sends more messages than the limit, the connection will be disconnected. The IP which is repeatedly disconnected may be blocked by the server
  2. We highly recommend you to subscribe less than 50 channels in one connection. The connections with less channel subscriptions will be more stable.

[Oct 17,2024] The update on calculation method for the change24h field in the Futrues and SPOT ticker interfaces


  • /api/v2/spot/market/tickers, SPOT Get Ticker Information
  • /api/v2/mix/market/ticker, Futures Get Single Ticker
  • /api/v2/mix/market/tickers, Futures Get All Tickers

The calculation of the change24h field in the API response will change from the price fluctuation from 00:00 in the UTC+8 time zone to the current time, to the price fluctuation over the past 24 hours from the current time.

[Aug 28,2024] Galue of the 'limit' parameter to 20

Endpoints: Add Multi-assets mode endpoint, change: Accounts endpoint add new response parameters, all-positions, single-position endpoint add new response parameters

[Aug 28,2024] Get Merchant Advertisement List endpoint Adjust the maximum value of the 'limit' parameter to 20

Endpoints: Get Merchant Advertisement List Change: Adjust the maximum value of the 'limit' parameter to 20

[Aug 15,2024] API rate limit adjustment

EndpointsOld rate limitNew rate limit
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/order-close-positions10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/order-current-track10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-follower/query-current-orders10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-follower/query-history-orders20 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/order-history-track10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/profits-group-coin-date20 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/profit-history-summarys20 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/profit-history-details20 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/profit-details20 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/order-modify-tpsl10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/order-total-detail10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-broker/query-traders10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-follower/settings10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-follower/close-positions10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-follower/setting-tpsl20 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-follower/query-settings10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-follower/cancel-trader10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/config-settings-base10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-follower/query-traders10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/config-query-followers10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/config-remove-follower10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/config-query-symbols20 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-trader/config-setting-symbols10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/mix-broker/query-history-traces10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/spot/trade/batch-cancel-plan-order10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/spot/account/deduct-info10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-follower/query-current-orders10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-follower/query-settings10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-follower/query-history-orders10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-follower/query-traders10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-trader/config-query-settings10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-trader/order-history-track10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-trader/profit-summarys10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-trader/profit-history-details10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-trader/profit-details10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-trader/order-total-detail10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/user/virtual-subaccount-apikey-list10 req/sec/UID5 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/broker/account/subaccount-withdrawal10 req/sec/UID1 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/spot/account/switch-deduct10 req/sec/UID1 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-follower/order-close-tracking10 req/sec/UID1 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-follower/cancel-trader10 req/sec/UID1 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-follower/stop-order10 req/sec/UID1 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-follower/settings10 req/sec/UID1 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-follower/setting-tpsl10 req/sec/UID1 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-trader/order-close-tracking10 req/sec/UID1 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-trader/config-setting-symbols10 req/sec/UID1 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-trader/config-remove-follower10 req/sec/UID1 req/sec/UID
/api/v2/copy/spot-trader/order-modify-tpsl10 req/sec/UID1 req/sec/UID

[Jul 03,2024] Withdrawal and get deposit addresses supports Bitcoin Lightning Network

Endpoints: Withdraw, Get Deposit Address, Get SubAccount Deposit Address Change: Get the deposit address to support obtaining the Bitcoin Lightning Network invoice address, and the withdrawal endpoint supports withdrawal from the Bitcoin Lightning Network invoice address

[Jun 25,2024] Adjustment on Get P2P Merchant List Interface

Parameter merchantId has been removed from Get P2P Merchant List Interface

[Mar 15,2024] Adjustment on the time range for Get History Trigger Order

Endpoint: Get History Trigger Order

  1. The interval between startTime and endTime has been limited to 90 days
  2. Only historical records within the past 90 days are supported.

[Feb 6,2023] Add newSize field in the push parameters of Spot Order Channel for Websocket

The spot order channel push now includes a new parameter newSize, which will gradually replace the existing parameter size in subsequent updates.

newSize represents the order quantity, following the specified rules:

  • when orderType=limit, newSize represents the quantity of base coin,
  • when orderType=marketandside=buy, newSize represents the quantity of quote coin,
  • when orderType=marketandside=sell, newSize represents the quantity of base coin.

[Jan 19,2024] Adjustment on the time range for tax endpoints per request

Endpoints: Spot Transaction Records, Futures Transaction Records, Margin Transaction Records, P2P Transaction Records Change: The interval between startTime and endTime has been adjusted from one year to 30 days

[Dec 27,2023] Adjustment for the withdrawal of Broker's sub-account

The request param dest no longer supports the input internal_transfer.
The request param toType has been removed.

[Nov 16,2023] Add 'errorCode' field in batch-cancel-orders response

Added a new response parameter, errorCode, to the batch cancel order endpoint.

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