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Get Isolated Interest Rate and Max Borrowable

Frequency limit:10 times/1s (UID)


This interface will determine the user's VIP level based on the User ID sending the request, and then return information such as interest rates and limits based on the VIP level.

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/margin/isolated/interest-rate-and-limit
Request Example
curl ""  -H "ACCESS-KEY:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameters

symbolStringYesTrading pairs, like BTCUSDT
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1694579779768,
"data": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"leverage": "5",
"baseCoin": "BTC",
"baseTransferable": true,
"baseBorrowable": true,
"baseDailyInterestRate": "0.00007113",
"baseAnnuallyInterestRate": "0.02596245",
"baseMaxBorrowableAmount": "0",
"baseVipList": [
"level": "0",
"dailyInterestRate": "0.00007333",
"limit": "0",
"annuallyInterestRate": "0.02676545",
"discountRate": "1"
"quoteCoin": "USDT",
"quoteTransferable": true,
"quoteBorrowable": true,
"quoteDailyInterestRate": "0.00011963",
"quoteAnnuallyInterestRate": "0.04366495",
"quoteMaxBorrowableAmount": "0",
"quoteList": [
"level": "0",
"dailyInterestRate": "0.00012333",
"limit": "0",
"annuallyInterestRate": "0.04501545",
"discountRate": "1"

Response Parameters

symbolStringTrading pair
baseCoinStringBase currency
leverageStringLeverage: default: 10
baseTransferableBooleanIs the base currency transferable?
true: Transferable
false: Not transferable
baseBorrowableBooleanWhether or not the base currency can be borrowed?
true: Borrowable
false: Not borrowable
baseDailyInterestRateStringNon-VIP daily interest rate of the base currency
baseAnnuallyInterestRateStringNon-VIP APR of the base currency
baseMaxBorrowableAmountStringMaximum borrow in base currency
baseVipListArrayBase currency VIP
> levelStringVIP level
> limitStringVIP limit
> dailyInterestRateStringVIP daily interest rate
> annuallyInterestRateStringVIP APR
> discountRateStringVIP discount: 1 is for 100%, i.e. no discount; 0.97 is for 97% of the original rate
quoteCoinStringQuote currency
quoteTransferInAbleBooleanWhether the quote currency is transferable
quoteTransferableBooleanWhether the quote currency is borrowable
quoteBorrowableStringNon-VIP daily interest rate of the quote currency
quoteAnnuallyInterestRateStringNon-VIP APR of the quote currency
quoteMaxBorrowableAmountStringNon-VIP maximum borrow in quote currency
quoteListArrayQuote currency VIP
> levelStringVIP level
> limitStringVIP limit
> dailyInterestRateStringVIP daily interest rate
> annuallyInterestRateStringVIP APR
> discountRateStringVIP discount: 1 is for 100%, i.e. no discount; 0.97 is for 97% of the original rate

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