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UNICORN Tokenの価格



UNICORN Tokenに投票しましょう!


今日のUNICORN Tokenの価格

UNICORN Token の今日の現在価格は、(UNI / USD)あたり$0.0002109 で、現在の時価総額は$22,549.91 USDです。24時間の取引量は$3.96 USDです。UNIからUSDの価格はリアルタイムで更新されています。UNICORN Token は2.12%過去24時間で変動しました。循環供給は106,912,510 です。




UNICORN Tokenの利益を計算する

UNICORN Tokenの価格予測




2031年には、UNIの価格は+28.00%変動する見込みです。 2031年末には、UNIの価格は$0.0007245に達し、累積ROIは+244.24%になると予測されます。

UNICORN Tokenの価格履歴(USD)

UNICORN Tokenの価格は、この1年で+29.16%を記録しました。直近1年間のUSD建ての最高値は$0.001812で、直近1年間のUSD建ての最安値は$0.{4}9943でした。
時間価格変動率(%)価格変動率(%)最低価格対応する期間における{0}の最低価格です。最高価格 最高価格
すべての期間-78.90%$0.{4}3658(2022-09-21, 2年前 )$1.04(2022-10-21, 2年前 )

UNICORN Tokenの市場情報

UNICORN Tokenの時価総額の履歴

UNICORN Tokenを今すぐ購入する

UNICORN Tokenの集中度別保有量


UNICORN Tokenの保有時間別アドレス


UNICORN Tokenの評価


UNICORN Token (UNI)について

虚拟货币UNICORN Token是当前加密货币市场中备受关注的一种数字资产。它是基于区块链技术的一种数字货币,具有许多独特的特点和潜力。UNICORN Token的历史和现有功能使其在加密货币领域具有巨大的历史意义和重要性。

首先,UNICORN Token是由一支专业的团队开发和推出的,该团队旨在为用户提供更安全、方便和透明的数字货币体验。作为一种去中心化的数字货币,UNICORN Token不收取任何传统金融机构可能存在的额外费用,比如手续费或高昂的汇率费用。

其次,UNICORN Token采用了加密技术来保护用户的数据和交易信息。这意味着用户可以更安全地进行交易,而不必担心个人信息的泄露或欺诈行为。

此外,UNICORN Token的流动性也是其关键特点之一。它可以方便地进行转账和交易,无论是在本地还是国际范围内。这使得用户可以更加灵活地管理自己的数字资产,并在需要时快速将其转换为其他货币。

同时,UNICORN Token还具有跨境支付的潜力。传统的跨境支付通常需要经过复杂的审批和多个中介机构的参与,而UNICORN Token可以直接在区块链上进行跨境转账,快速、便捷且成本较低。

总之,UNICORN Token作为一种创新的数字货币在加密货币领域发挥着重要的作用。它具有安全、方便和透明的特点,并且具有巨大的潜力在未来的金融交易中扮演更重要的角色。无论是在个人投资还是商业交易方面,UNICORN Token都为用户带来了许多机会和益处。

请注意,本文以简洁、明确和信息丰富为目标,通过提供关于UNICORN Token的重要特点和作用进行介绍,而避免使用标题和新闻头条形式。

UNICORN Token(UNI)の購入方法





UNICORN Token (UNI)を購入

UNICORN Token (UNI)を購入

BitgetでUNICORN Tokenを購入するには、様々なお支払い方法をご利用いただけます。



UNICORN Tokenのニュース

KrakenがインキュベートしたEthereum L2であるInk、Optimismと協力してパーミッションレスフォールトプルーフの向上を推進
KrakenがインキュベートしたEthereum L2であるInk、Optimismと協力してパーミッションレスフォールトプルーフの向上を推進

クイックテイク KrakenのL2 Inkは、約1か月前のローンチ後、木曜日にパーミッションレスフォールトプルーフを実装します。Inkのクリエイターであるアンドリュー・コラー氏は、GelatoとKrakenの両方がシステムを運用することで、複数のチャレンジャーを備えた数少ないスーパーチェーンネットワークの1つになると述べています。

The Block2025-01-23 16:45
UNICORN Tokenの最新情報


UNICORN Tokenの現在の価格はいくらですか?

UNICORN Tokenのライブ価格は$0(UNI/USD)で、現在の時価総額は$22,549.91 USDです。UNICORN Tokenの価値は、暗号資産市場の24時間365日休みない動きにより、頻繁に変動します。UNICORN Tokenのリアルタイムでの現在価格とその履歴データは、Bitgetで閲覧可能です。

UNICORN Tokenの24時間取引量は?

過去24時間で、UNICORN Tokenの取引量は$3.96です。

UNICORN Tokenの過去最高値はいくらですか?

UNICORN Token の過去最高値は$1.04です。この過去最高値は、UNICORN Tokenがローンチされて以来の最高値です。

BitgetでUNICORN Tokenを購入できますか?

はい、UNICORN Tokenは現在、Bitgetの取引所で利用できます。より詳細な手順については、お役立ちの購入方法 ガイドをご覧ください。

UNICORN Tokenに投資して安定した収入を得ることはできますか?


UNICORN Tokenを最も安く購入できるのはどこですか?


UNICORN Token(UNI)はどこで買えますか?

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Bitgetを介してオンラインでUNICORN Tokenを購入することを含む暗号資産投資は、市場リスクを伴います。Bitgetでは、簡単で便利な購入方法を提供しており、取引所で提供している各暗号資産について、ユーザーに十分な情報を提供するよう努力しています。ただし、UNICORN Tokenの購入によって生じる結果については、当社は責任を負いかねます。このページおよび含まれる情報は、特定の暗号資産を推奨するものではありません。



Bitget Earn

1 UNI = 0.0002109 USD


UNI LONG 📈 Market +limit entry 12.555 Sl 11.994 Tp 13.869 14.658 15.656 💭on the 15th chart, the price is moving in an upward trend Correction to the POI zone for position set is possible Observe the risk of 1% no more !$UNI
Evaluating $WOOF’s adoption in decentralized applications: Bullish potential?
Evaluating $WOOF’s adoption in decentralized applications (dApps) is a crucial step in understanding its long-term potential and bullish outlook. The integration of $WOOF into the growing dApp ecosystem could significantly enhance its utility, increase user adoption, and create a more sustainable market presence. Here's an analysis of $WOOF's potential for adoption in decentralized applications and its implications for bullish growth: Key Aspects of $WOOF’s Adoption in dApps 1. Utility in dApp Ecosystems Bullish Impact: For $WOOF to gain traction in decentralized applications, it must provide a clear use case within those ecosystems. This could include being used for in-app purchases, staking rewards, governance, or as a medium of exchange within decentralized platforms. If $WOOF can become integral to dApps, its value proposition will be strengthened, driving adoption and increasing demand. Example: Tokens like $MANA (Decentraland) and $SAND (The Sandbox) have seen significant growth due to their use in gaming and metaverse dApps, where they serve as the primary medium of exchange. Bearish Impact: If $WOOF lacks a clear utility or faces challenges in integrating with existing dApps, it may fail to capture the attention of developers and users. Without meaningful adoption, $WOOF could struggle to differentiate itself from other tokens in the market. 2. Partnerships with dApp Developers Bullish Impact: Strategic partnerships with prominent dApp developers could drive $WOOF’s adoption in decentralized platforms. For example, collaborations with gaming platforms, NFT marketplaces, or DeFi protocols could integrate $WOOF as a key asset, enhancing its exposure and use cases. Example: $SHIB’s partnership with ShibaSwap and its integration into DeFi protocols have bolstered its adoption and utility. Bearish Impact: If $WOOF struggles to establish meaningful partnerships with dApp developers, it may remain underutilized, limiting its growth potential. Additionally, if partnerships do not align with the project's vision, they could fail to drive significant adoption. 3. Governance and Incentives within dApps Bullish Impact: If $WOOF is incorporated into dApps with governance features, allowing holders to vote on proposals or influence platform decisions, it could attract a loyal user base. Moreover, dApps that reward users with $WOOF for participation, staking, or other activities could incentivize long-term engagement and reduce selling pressure. Bearish Impact: If governance features are poorly designed or if rewards are insufficient, $WOOF’s role in dApps may not be compelling enough to drive widespread adoption. Additionally, if the token's role in governance is minimal or unclear, users may lose interest. 4. Liquidity and Integration with DeFi Protocols Bullish Impact: Integration into decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols could boost $WOOF’s adoption by enabling users to stake, yield farm, or provide liquidity in exchange for rewards. DeFi platforms that support $WOOF could attract a new wave of investors and liquidity providers, potentially increasing the token’s market value. Example: Tokens like $AAVE and $UNI have gained value and utility by being integrated into DeFi platforms. Bearish Impact: If $WOOF faces challenges in securing liquidity or is not supported by major DeFi platforms, its utility in these ecosystems will be limited. Without significant liquidity, users may be reluctant to adopt $WOOF in dApp and DeFi settings. 5. NFT Integration Bullish Impact: If $WOOF can be integrated into NFT marketplaces or used to buy, sell, or mint NFTs, it could tap into the booming NFT market. This would provide a direct and tangible use case for $WOOF, driving both adoption and price appreciation. Additionally, $WOOF could be used for governance in NFT-related platforms, further expanding its utility. Example: $FLOW and $ETH are widely used in NFT platforms, driving both token value and adoption. Bearish Impact: If $WOOF fails to establish a foothold in the NFT space or is overshadowed by other more established tokens, it may struggle to capture the attention of NFT collectors and creators. 6. Developer Support and Ecosystem Growth Bullish Impact: If $WOOF’s development team actively supports and incentivizes dApp developers to build on its ecosystem, it could create a network effect that accelerates adoption. A growing number of dApps using $WOOF could create more use cases, attracting new users and investors. Bearish Impact: If $WOOF fails to attract developers or lacks the technical infrastructure to support a thriving dApp ecosystem, its adoption will be limited. Additionally, if dApp developers face challenges integrating $WOOF, it could hinder the token’s growth. Bullish Indicators of dApp Adoption Clear utility for $WOOF within decentralized applications (e.g., in-app purchases, staking, governance). Strategic partnerships with dApp developers, particularly in gaming, DeFi, or NFTs. Incentive structures that reward users for participating in dApps using $WOOF. Liquidity integration with major DeFi platforms and exchanges. Strong developer support and a growing ecosystem of dApps built on $WOOF. Bearish Indicators of Limited Adoption Lack of clear utility in decentralized applications or low integration with existing dApps. Failure to secure partnerships with reputable dApp developers or platforms. Insufficient incentives for users to engage with $WOOF in dApps. Limited liquidity or lack of integration with DeFi protocols. Lack of developer support or technical infrastructure to support dApp growth. Conclusion $WOOF’s adoption in decentralized applications holds significant bullish potential if it can establish clear utility, secure strategic partnerships, and integrate with growing ecosystems like DeFi and NFTs. The token’s value proposition will depend on its ability to become an essential asset within these dApps, incentivizing long-term engagement and driving adoption. However, if $WOOF fails to achieve meaningful integration or lacks the technical and community support to succeed, its growth potential in the dApp space may be limited.
Comparing $MXNA’s liquidity and trading volume to its competitors.
Comparing $MXNA’s liquidity and trading volume to its competitors is essential for evaluating its market position and potential for growth. Liquidity and trading volume are key indicators of an asset’s stability, investor confidence, and overall market demand. A higher liquidity and trading volume generally indicate a more active and healthy market, which can lead to reduced volatility and easier entry/exit for investors. Below is a detailed comparison of $MXNA’s liquidity and trading volume with its competitors: 1. Liquidity: Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without causing significant price fluctuations. High liquidity is often a sign of a well-established asset with a large number of buyers and sellers. $MXNA Liquidity: If $MXNA is integrated into multiple exchanges (both centralized and decentralized), it is likely to have higher liquidity. This would allow investors to buy and sell the token with minimal slippage, which is a key factor for both retail and institutional investors. The liquidity of $MXNA can be further enhanced by its use in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols or liquidity pools. If the token is used as collateral, for staking, or in other liquidity-based applications, it will attract more liquidity providers, improving the overall market depth. Competitors’ Liquidity: Competitors in the market, such as $ETH, $BTC, or other prominent DeFi tokens, generally have much higher liquidity due to their longer presence in the market and larger user bases. These tokens are listed on a wide range of exchanges and are used in numerous DeFi applications, which makes them highly liquid. For example, if $MXNA is competing against tokens like $UNI (Uniswap), $AAVE (Aave), or $SUSHI (SushiSwap), the liquidity of these tokens would be much higher due to their established ecosystems and widespread use. In this case, $MXNA would need to focus on increasing its liquidity by expanding its market presence, partnerships, and utility in DeFi platforms. 2. Trading Volume: Trading volume represents the total amount of a token traded within a specific period (e.g., 24 hours). High trading volume is an indicator of strong market interest and can reduce price manipulation risks. $MXNA Trading Volume: If $MXNA is seeing steady growth in its trading volume, it indicates that there is growing investor interest and demand for the token. Higher trading volumes can be a bullish signal, as it suggests that the token is being actively traded by both retail and institutional investors. $MXNA’s trading volume can also be influenced by its listing on major exchanges, its inclusion in DeFi protocols, and its use cases in real-world applications. For example, if $MXNA is actively traded on both centralized exchanges (CEX) like Binance or Coinbase and decentralized exchanges (DEX) like Uniswap or Sushiswap, its trading volume is likely to increase. Competitors’ Trading Volume: Competitors like $ETH, $BTC, or $SOL typically have extremely high trading volumes, often in the billions of dollars per day. These assets are not only widely traded on numerous exchanges but also have high levels of institutional involvement and are used in a variety of applications (e.g., DeFi, NFTs, gaming). In comparison, smaller or newer tokens, such as $MXNA, may have lower trading volumes initially. However, as the token gains adoption, its trading volume can increase, especially if it captures a niche market or becomes integrated into popular DeFi platforms. 3. Comparison to Competitors: When comparing $MXNA to its competitors, it’s important to consider factors such as: Market Maturity: Established tokens like $BTC, $ETH, or $ADA have years of market history, large communities, and deep liquidity. These tokens have widespread adoption across exchanges, wallets, and decentralized applications, leading to consistently high trading volumes. Exchange Listings: The number of exchanges that list $MXNA is a key factor in its liquidity and trading volume. If $MXNA is only available on a few exchanges, its liquidity and trading volume will be limited. Competitors, on the other hand, are often listed on a wide range of global exchanges, including both centralized and decentralized platforms, which significantly boosts their liquidity and trading volume. Utility and Adoption: Tokens with strong use cases in decentralized finance (DeFi), gaming, or NFTs tend to have higher trading volumes. If $MXNA is integrated into popular DeFi protocols or is used for staking, governance, or liquidity provision, it can increase its trading volume and liquidity. Competitors that have widespread adoption in these areas generally experience higher trading volumes due to the demand for their token in various applications. Community Engagement: The strength of the community behind $MXNA can also impact its liquidity and trading volume. Tokens with active, engaged communities often see higher trading volumes due to word-of-mouth, social media activity, and grassroots support. Competitors with large, active communities (e.g., $SHIB, $DOGE) can experience spikes in trading volume driven by social media campaigns and viral trends. 4. Factors Influencing Liquidity and Trading Volume for $MXNA: Partnerships and Ecosystem Expansion: As $MXNA forms new partnerships with other blockchain projects, DeFi platforms, or enterprise solutions, it can increase its liquidity and trading volume. These partnerships can bring new users and investors, which will drive demand for the token. Staking and Incentives: If $MXNA introduces staking rewards, liquidity mining, or other incentive mechanisms, it could encourage users to hold the token, increasing its trading volume and liquidity as it is actively used within DeFi protocols. Market Sentiment and News Events: Positive news or announcements, such as new exchange listings, protocol upgrades, or real-world use case integrations, can boost trading volume and liquidity. Similarly, market sentiment, driven by social media or major market events, can lead to significant fluctuations in trading volume for both $MXNA and its competitors. 5. Conclusion: Comparing $MXNA’s liquidity and trading volume to its competitors provides valuable insights into its market position and potential for growth. While $MXNA may not yet match the liquidity and trading volume of established tokens like $ETH, $BTC, or $SOL, it has the potential to increase these metrics through strategic partnerships, adoption in DeFi ecosystems, and an expanding use case. To remain competitive, $MXNA must focus on growing its liquidity by listing on more exchanges, integrating into popular DeFi platforms, and building a strong community. If it can achieve these goals, it could see significant increases in both liquidity and trading volume, positioning itself for long-term success in the cryptocurrency market.
How to Build a Diversified Portfolio Around $CLAY 📊 Building a diversified portfolio around $CLAY, the native token of the Claymore blockchain, involves balancing risk and reward by incorporating a mix of assets that complement the blockchain’s potential while reducing exposure to any single investment. A well-structured portfolio should consider various factors such as risk tolerance, market conditions, and the role of $CLAY within the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem. 1. Allocate a Core Position in $CLAY: Since $CLAY is the primary token associated with the Claymore blockchain, it should form the core of the portfolio. Depending on your risk tolerance, a substantial portion (e.g., 40-60%) of the portfolio can be allocated to $CLAY. This gives exposure to the potential upside of the Claymore ecosystem’s growth, especially if the blockchain gains traction in sectors like DeFi, gaming, or NFTs. 2. Complement with Established Cryptocurrencies: To balance the high-risk nature of $CLAY, it’s crucial to allocate a portion of the portfolio to more established cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). These assets provide relative stability compared to emerging tokens like $CLAY. A mix of 20-30% in BTC and ETH can hedge against market volatility, ensuring that your portfolio is less affected by the high swings typical of smaller, speculative tokens. 3. Diversify into Other Layer-1 Blockchains: To capture the potential of other promising blockchain ecosystems, consider adding tokens from other Layer-1 blockchains such as Solana ( $SOL ), Avalanche (AVAX), or Polkadot ( $DOT ). Allocating 10-15% of the portfolio to these assets can provide exposure to other fast-growing networks, offering diversification and reducing dependence on the performance of a single blockchain. 4. Incorporate DeFi and NFT Tokens: If you believe in the potential of Claymore to gain traction in DeFi or NFTs, it’s wise to invest in tokens associated with these sectors. For instance, allocating a portion (5-10%) to decentralized finance tokens like Uniswap ( $UNI ) or Aave ( $AAVE ) can complement $CLAY’s use case in the DeFi space. Similarly, NFT-related tokens like Flow (FLOW) could enhance exposure to the growing digital asset market. 5. Include Stablecoins for Liquidity: Having 5-10% of your portfolio in stablecoins like USDC or USDT can provide liquidity and stability, especially in volatile markets. Stablecoins serve as a safe haven during market downturns and allow for quick rebalancing of the portfolio, giving flexibility to reinvest or purchase more $CLAY at attractive prices during market corrections. 6. Monitor and Rebalance: Regular monitoring and rebalancing of the portfolio are essential, especially as the market and Claymore’s ecosystem evolve. If $CLAY sees significant price increases or decreases, adjust your holdings accordingly to maintain diversification and optimize returns based on changing market dynamics. By constructing a diversified portfolio that includes $CLAY, alongside other assets from established cryptocurrencies, Layer-1 blockchains, DeFi, and stablecoins, investors can manage risk while positioning themselves to take advantage of potential growth in the Claymore ecosystem and the broader crypto market
2025/01/19 03:27
To Be declining potential coins for today : $OP $IOTX $UNI very high risk trading short entry consider burst entries.. try for your luck only.. Successfully running short on $UNI Equalizer price value 14.359 above long and below Short Present uptrend and holding coins: $BAT High potential for rally.. Did you enter?


すべてのBitget資産の中で、時価総額がUNICORN Tokenに最も近いのはこれらの8資産です。