smolecoin icon



Note: This website was created by project enthusiasts. The information on the website is collected and compiled based on information from the project community and news. Its main purpose is to help interested parties better understand the project and does not constitute any investment advice. Ensure that you have assessed the risk of accessing external links. Third-party websites have no relation to the Bitget website.


$smole - smolecoin a smol mole and the smollest smolecoin in the smolana smolnet

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Buy $SMOLE via a crypto exchange or wallet

Buy $SMOLE on Bitget Exchange

What is $SMOLE

In a digital realm where memes and magic intersect, a prophecy whispers of a little mole named Smole, destined to transcend all. It is predicted to break the boundaries of value and recognition, become the highest-selling meme coin, and become a beacon in the digital night sky. Its transactions are not just the exchange of currencies, but the forging of a new era where the essence of connection and creativity reigns supreme. As it ascends, the natural order of meme coins is reborn, forever changed by smole's legacy.

Who deployed $SMOLE and when

Token address:




How to buy $SMOLE token via exchange

How to buy $SMOLE token via exchange - Create an exchange account

Create an exchange account

Download the Bitget app or the app of your exchange of choice from the App Store or Google Play store for free. Desktop users can head to, sign up on Bitget with their email address/mobile phone number, and create a strong password to secure their account.

How to buy $SMOLE token via exchange - Verify your account

Verify your account

Verify your identity by entering your personal information and uploading a valid photo ID. Add a credit/debit card or bank account after verifying your Bitget account.

How to buy $SMOLE token via exchange - Get some USDT

Get some USDT

Hold USDT in your account to switch to $SMOLE. If you don't have any USDT, you can buy directly via quick buy with a credit/debit card/bank account, or deposit USDT from your wallet.

How to buy $SMOLE token via exchange - Switch USDT for $SMOLE

Switch USDT for $SMOLE

Go to the spot marketplace, and switch USDT for $SMOLE.

How to buy Solana meme coins token $SMOLE via wallet

How to buy Solana meme coins token $SMOLE via wallet - Create wallet

Create wallet

Download Bitget Wallet or your wallet of choice from the App Store or Google Play store for free. Desktop users can download the Google Chrome extension from

How to buy Solana meme coins token $SMOLE via wallet - Get some SOL

Get some SOL

Have SOL in your Bitget Wallet to switch to $SMOLE. If you don't have any SOL, you can buy some directly via your Bitget Wallet, transfer some from another wallet, or buy some from the Bitget exchange and transfer it to your wallet.

How to buy Solana meme coins token $SMOLE via wallet - Go to Raydium

Go to Raydium

Connect to Raydium. Go to Raydium in Google Chrome or on the browser inside your Bitget Wallet app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $SMOLE token address into Raydium, select $SMOLE, and confirm. Provide your sig when Bitget Wallet prompts you for a wallet signature.

How to buy Solana meme coins token $SMOLE via wallet - Switch SOL for $SMOLE

Switch SOL for $SMOLE

Switch SOL to $SMOLE. Then, you can view $SMOLE in your Bitget wallet.

$SMOLE tokenomics

Token supply


Pre-sale model

$SMOLE tokenomics