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$YES (Ton)

Do you want to earn coins by simply swiping your fingers? Join Yescoin now! Do you want to receive the luckiest prizes this summer? Join Yescoin now! Do you want to play the hottest Web3 game with friends from around the world? Join Yescoin now! Do you want to co-build the future most inspiring community in crypto history? Join Yescoin now!

Social media
$YES (Ton) Twitter$YES (Ton) Telegram
YES (Ton)

What is $YES (Ton)

Yescoin is a casual Web3 game on Telegram, where players can collect gold coins by swiping their fingers. It allows users to onboard onto Web3 in a fun and seamless way, which significantly lowers the barrier to entry, thus becoming a bridge between Web2 and Web3.

All of our team members are avid Telegram users, and we've been thinking about the creation of an app for crypto mass adoption on this platform ever since Telegram's launch of Mini Apps in 2023.

Our choice of swiping as the core interaction for our product had two inspirations. Steve Jobs first created the idea of unlocking your phone by swiping in 2007, which made us realize that swiping is the most natural way for users to interact with mobile devices. Also, the classic game Fruit Ninja achieved billions of downloads using simple but addictive swiping gameplay, eventually becoming a global phenomenon.

In just over a month, our fun and easy gameplay has attracted over 18 million players and facilitated over 6 million users to connect their crypto wallets. Everything has happened sp fast. Sometimes even we ourselves can't believe we really did it! But one thing is for sure: We all need to be swiping our way to Web3.

Also, we are planning a series of Summer Carnival-themed events with super surprises.

Additionally, we are currently brainstorming for the second half of the year. In the future, a boat named Yescoin will sail to ports in Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas to meet with more Yescoiners and host events, promoting our ultimate onboarding mission. The plan is still being developed, and we welcome interested partners or sponsors to contact us.

Still, it's just the beginning. Please don't hesitate to join Yescoin. We have some exciting partnerships and major announcements coming soon - but allow us to keep them under wraps for now. More details will be announced on our official Twitter and Telegram channel!

With user experience as our first priority, our team worked 24/7, tirelessly iterating and improving. To ensure our users' asset security and their smooth experience, we tested four beta versions before official launch. Although we only participated for one week with a middling ranking, our true satisfaction comes from helping millions of users seamlessly create and connect their wallets. In the first hour, as we watched 220,000 users connect their wallets and complete online interactions, the entire team was thrilled. At that moment, we saw the potential for mass adoption to become real. All this should largely be owed to Telegram's immense user base and strong support for developers.

Lowering user barriers and enhancing user experience is our shared mission. We hope more talented developers will join The Open League in the future, enriching the TON Ecosystem together.

The basic gameplay of Yescoin is very straightforward - simply by swiping your fingers on your cellphone screen, you can collect gold Yescoin coins. During the game, you can earn more gold coins by opening treasure chests and purchasing various items, such as the YesPac robot. You can also do so by completing various tasks, including daily tasks, upgraded tasks, and event tasks.

For example, we recently launched a Daily Crypto Learning Task where users can learn about blockchain everyday and complete a check-in to open a YesBox, earning both on-chain and off-chain rewards. Other daily tasks include inviting friends to join, forming squads, following Yescoin on social media, and so on. Moreover, completing each upgraded task will earn players extra gold coin rewards, including connecting wallets and upgrading your accounts.

Of course, our occasional event tasks are great opportunities to win surprise rewards. So make sure you don't miss out on our special events, holiday activities, creative challenges, and more.

For new players, we recommend completing daily tasks and inviting more friends to join. This will help them quickly accumulate their first Yescoins while getting familiar with the game mechanics. We also strongly encourage new players to participate in our special event tasks, such as limited-time missions and content competitions. These community events allow players to showcase their talents, win special rewards, and also quickly immerse themselves into the community and connect with Yescoiners from around the world.

Since the very first day of our launch, Yescoin has been experiencing explosive growth. Even with our years of development experience, we were amazed by Telegram's viral mechanics.

The team has been busy managing the pressure of a massive influx of users on our servers, without much time spent on brand promotion or business development. We decided to prioritize our community above all else, and every team member has dedicated time to listening to first-hand community feedback, iterating products, and optimizing user experience. In the meantime, our founder has always reminded us to listen to the unheard voices. Every week, we engage in in-depth one-on-one conversations with dozens of Yescoiners, to discover their genuine needs.

Perhaps it was because of our prompt responses and sincere communications with our community that more and more Yescoiners voluntarily started to promote Yescoin on social media, which eventually inspired us to launch the community content contest.

We are also actively discussing the long-term cultural development of the Yescoin community. Our inbox has received thousands of creative suggestions and personal stories involving Yescoin.

We received a rap song about Yescoin from a 16-year-old French boy and an oil painting dedicated to Yescoin from a Turkish artist. One Yescoiner shared a story about having a competition with a local team about who could invite more Yescoin players, while another talked about how they celebrated a birthday with a group of Yescoiners they had never met before. We even heard from a Yescoiner who taught her 85-year-old grandfather to swipe for coins.

There are countless creative ideas and stories, which we plan to compile into a collection to share with the community in the future, showing how Yescoin has helped create real human stories and how these narratives have in turn become part of the Yescoin story itself.

Optimism is a recurring theme mentioned by many Yescoiners. It appears all the time in the content and stories we receive, inspiring us to keep pushing forward. We hope more Yescoiners will use their creativity and stories to spread this optimistic spirit to more people.

Last but not least, we want to proudly talk about the Yescoiner community. In just over a month, over 18 million people from more than 200 countries and regions, despite their differences in languages, cultures, or identities, have come together because of Yescoin. This is incredible power, and also the most valuable asset of Yescoin.

Who deployed $YES (Ton) and when

Token address:


How to buy $YES (Ton) token via exchange

How to buy $YES (Ton) token via exchange - Create an exchange account

Create an exchange account

Download the Bitget app or the app of your exchange of choice from the App Store or Google Play store for free. Desktop users can head to, sign up on Bitget with their email address/mobile phone number, and create a strong password to secure their account.

How to buy $YES (Ton) token via exchange - Verify your account

Verify your account

Verify your identity by entering your personal information and uploading a valid photo ID. Add a credit/debit card or bank account after verifying your Bitget account.

How to buy $YES (Ton) token via exchange - Get some USDT

Get some USDT

Hold USDT in your account to switch to $YES (Ton). If you don't have any USDT, you can buy directly via quick buy with a credit/debit card/bank account, or deposit USDT from your wallet.

How to buy $YES (Ton) token via exchange - Switch USDT for $YES (Ton)

Switch USDT for $YES (Ton)

Go to the spot marketplace, and switch USDT for $YES (Ton).

How to buy Telegram app token $YES (Ton) via wallet

How to buy Telegram app token $YES (Ton) via wallet - Create wallet

Create wallet

Download Bitget Wallet or your wallet of choice from the App Store or Google Play store for free. Desktop users can download the Google Chrome extension from

How to buy Telegram app token $YES (Ton) via wallet - Get some Ton

Get some Ton

Have Ton in your Bitget Wallet to switch to $YES (Ton). If you don't have any Ton, you can buy some directly via your Bitget Wallet, transfer some from another wallet, or buy some from the Bitget exchange and transfer it to your wallet.

How to buy Telegram app token $YES (Ton) via wallet - Go to Telegram

Go to Telegram

Connect to Telegram. Go to Telegram in Google Chrome or on the browser inside your Bitget Wallet app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $YES (Ton) token address into Telegram, select $YES (Ton), and confirm. Provide your sig when Bitget Wallet prompts you for a wallet signature.

How to buy Telegram app token $YES (Ton) via wallet - Switch Ton for $YES (Ton)

Switch Ton for $YES (Ton)

Switch Ton to $YES (Ton). Then, you can view $YES (Ton) in your Bitget wallet.